Community Connections

We empower young adults to develop a community of friends and peers by introducing them to what interests them, and to activities and events that challenge them to move out of their comfort zone. The coach will attend community-based activities, meetings, and school functions with the young adult to help reduce any social anxiety they …

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Our Services

Our team of coaches and therapists support young adults to take the initial steps through doors that have been difficult or impossible to walk through due to social anxiety, depression, lack of confidence and low motivation. We recognize that our clients have a history of engaging in behaviors and distractions such as substance abuse, gaming …

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Our clients are either venturing out for the first time to the college campus or they are returning students. Often, our clients have attempted college once or several times and found themselves unprepared for the responsibilities of independent living and maintaining academic success. This may have been due to social anxiety, depression, substance abuse or …

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