Professional Development Coaching
- Adults ages 21+ in the Boulder/Denver area. (Please note: you must be able to attend meetings in Boulder on a weekly basis)
- Are preparing to graduate or have a college degree and are preparing to take the next big step towards finding their career passion and financial independence.
- Applying for or enrolled in a graduate, medical or other higher education after college.
- Struggles with job acquisition and maintaining employment post-college.
- Vocational Degree/Certification with a high school diploma
The adults we support are motivated and willing to receive the support and guidance we provide.
Our Clients:
- Are motivated to pursue a post-graduate internship or job.
- Are interested in exploring and applying for graduate coursework, including preparation for the LSATs, MCATs, etc.
- Experience difficulty connecting with peers and social activities.
- Have executive functioning limitations and challenges.
- Struggle with time management and organization.
- Are willing to engage with their coach to identify goals and be successful.
- May have learning differences.
- Someone who works collaboratively with you to develop and implement strategies and tools to get you on track.
- Your accountability person, someone who provides no judgment, is empathetic, warm, and fun, yet won’t let you stray too far away from your goals and objectives.
- Helps craft both short and long-term career goals
- Offers client-centered education and strategies
- Supports the client to develop a study schedule and routine, and coaches provide accountability to the client to support their follow through.
- Incorporates self-care and supports the development of a personal work-life balance.
- Explore feelings around confidence, anxiety, and/or fear.
- Understand their limitations and what can be done to accommodate and improve life management skills.
- Assess strengths and create an occupational and life management plan based on this information.
- Improve motivation and feelings of empowerment.
- Investigate questions about academic policies and options and support the client in finding the answers.
- Advocate for oneself in a work or graduate-academic setting.