“Neurodiversity is the idea that neurological differences like autism and ADHD are the result of normal, natural variation in the human genome” ~ John Elder Robison
We at Collegiate Coaching Services recognize that each of our clients has a number of inherent strengths, some known to our clients and their parents and some not realized. We support, motivate and empower our clients with neurodevelopmental conditions, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, ADHD, and specific learning differences to recognize their unique strengths and traits, as well as develop the necessary skills to thrive in academic, workplace, and social communities. Some of these skills include, learning to self-advocate for what they want and need, self emotional regulation, being flexible, being on time planning and preparing.

We collaborate with our clients and their families to determine the best environment for them to thrive in. At times traditional academic environments do not provide our neurodiverse students with the opportunity to tap in to their strengths, and instead these environments unknowingly create barriers for our students to learn and grow. We collaborate with services located on the universities and college campuses that we work with. These services include disability services, continuing education services, psychological services and recovery services to list a few. We, along with our clients engage in discussions with these professionals to determine an action plan that supports our clients to succeed, such as in the classroom, socially and more.
Many work place environments are now recognizing the value of the neurodiverse employee.
A forward thinking article written by Robert Austin and Gary Pisano, “Neurodiversity As A Competitive Advantage”; Harvard Business Review, May-June 2017, highlights that a growing number of companies, including Microsoft, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and SAP have adjusted their “human resources practices to capitalize on the talents of neurodiverse people.” The authors report that many people with “neurodevelopmental conditions” have extraordinary skills, including in memory, mathematics, and pattern recognition.
Our coaches embrace their role as “social partners” when it comes to supporting our neurodiverse clients to explore and engage in employment opportunities. Our coaches provide guidance and support to our clients to prepare for applying for employment, which includes resume building, role-playing, physical presentation, and more. Our coaches work with their clients to locate positions that value and benefit from our clients’ unique skills. When possible, we engage in collaborative relationships with our clients’ employers in order to support their success in the workplace.