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Tracy Markle is one of twenty experts from around the globe who contributed to the first of its kind clinician’s handbook called, “Internet Addiction in Children and Adolescent; Risk Factors, Assessment, and Treatment”. She shares how she utilizes the community based approach she developed called, Family Integrated Treatment Social Connection ~ Internet Addiction (FITSC-IA) ™ to treat Internet addiction in adolescents and young adults.
“This is the first book to thoroughly examine how early and easy access to the Internet and digital technologies impacts children and adolescents. Experts in the field examine the research that shows the social, cognitive, developmental, and academic problems that can result when children spend excessive time in front of screens. As a whole, the book provides an invaluable resource for those who need to assess, treat, and prevent Internet addiction in children and adolescents.” (Springer Publishing Company)
A growing trend of giving children one-to-one devices such as Chrome-books, laptops, virtual reality headsets, and iPads at school is increasing the amount of screen time our children experience daily. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, today’s children are spending an average of SEVEN hours per day on entertainment media, including televisions, computers, cell or “smart” phones and other electronic devices. Screen use and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from these devices has been associated with myriad health risks including myopia, retinal damage, sleeplessness, addiction and behavioral issues to name a few. The use of screens in schools also brings with it information sharing and privacy issues associated with online curricula, online assessments, and student data collection.
Click on the video to hear more from Tracy Markle on how screens in the schools impact students emotional and mental health, as well as performance.
Radio Interview
Tracy Markle discusses screen time in schools with Boulder’s local radio station. Listen below: