At Collegiate Coaching Services, we strive to provide those young men and women coming from previous therapeutic programs with a seamless transition to Boulder, CO. Our therapeutic coaches, parent coaches, and therapists understand the structure that exists in wilderness therapy and residential treatment centers and do our best to help the young adult feel comfortable and supported in their new, more independent, lifestyle. One important step we take to ensure a positive transition to CCS is to collaborate with key support people involved in the young adult’s life prior to the move, such as parents, educational consultant, and their most recent treatment team.
Our team at CCS aims to help our clients’ use the skills learned in their previous program in the “real world,” and with support of professionals in case they aren’t quite ready to be fully independent, or simply need a safety net. We work with our clients to learn and practice life skills of all types such as financial management, improving executive functioning skills, which involve managing life tasks of types, such as organizing, planning, and executing. We support our clients in achieving these tasks by supporting them in finding and maintaining employment, budget money, create a system of organization to keep track of work schedules, when to pay bills, and increase effective study habits. We put a strong focus on creating daily and weekly routines so that they find meaning and purpose to their hours, as well as increase the likelihood they will achieve their goals. We also help the young men and women we work with find connection in the community with healthy activities and people.
This is often the first time that these young men and women have lived on their own in the community or on the college campus and we understand that this can be scary, overwhelming, and also very exciting. We strive to make this new experience more manageable by taking a strength-based approach to their new-found independence, focusing on what the client is capable of achieving and working from there. We work with our clients to create structure for themselves, similar to the structure provided in residential treatment programs. We also support our clients in maintaining and growing upon the healthy habits that they learned in their previous programs. Clients generally graduate from residential treatment programs with big toolboxes of skills. We make it our mission to make sure that these tools don’t get rusty by supporting our clients to utilize them regularly.
Julia Rees, Therapeutic Coach